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Double exercise wheel – AB Roller WA03


Disc diameter 19 cm, handle length 27 cm, wheel width 2 cm.



Double exercise wheel (AB Roller or Ab Wheel) WA03 HMS is an excellent device for abs and is a necessary prop in training, by using which we strengthen the arms, shoulders, buttocks, the entire group of abdominal muscles and the lower back in one exercise. The muscles that stabilize the entire trunk are strengthened. Dual wheels provide stability and help shape and strengthen your arms.

Abs wheel exercises for beginners are not easy. The intensity of performance (distance of rolling) must be adjusted to one’s own capabilities and gradually increased over time. Otherwise, at the beginning of the exercise, back pain and the counter-effect of the exercise will occur. However, by performing the exercises correctly, exceptional effects are achieved.

The wheel and handles are made of non-slip material to reduce the possibility of injury.

The WA03 HMS exercise wheel will improve the strength of your arms, shoulders, chest and back muscles. It enables intensive training of the abdominal muscles with an impact on a number of other muscle groups. It is easy to use, provides effective strengthening of the abdomen, back and shoulders. It has a compact design and is ideal for exercising at home or in the gym. Improve stability and tone your trunk muscles with this product.


  • Color: black+grey
  • Disc diameter: 19 cm
  • Handle length: 27 cm
  • Wheel width: 2 cm

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