About cookies
Read what cookies are and how we use them, and what types of cookies exist. For more information about cookies and privacy, be sure to read our Privacy Policy. You can withdraw your consent for cookies at any time. Your consent applies to the eautodijelovi.com domain. [user_consent_state]
What are cookies?
Cookies are small files that your browser saves on your computer or mobile device when you visit our website (eautodijelovi.com). This allows the Website to recognize your computer the next time you visit us, in order to offer you a personalized experience when you navigate through it. Cookies on our website are not intended for advertisements or advertising, nor can they access your personal information and files on your computer.
How do we use cookies?
Like most websites, our website uses first-party cookies and third-party cookies for various purposes. First-party cookies are necessary for the website to function properly and do not collect your personal information or any information by which you could be identified. The third-party cookies we use on our website help us better understand how the website works, and so that we can improve the security and user experience of all visitors.
What types of cookies do we use?
Necessary: Some cookies are necessary for the website to function properly. They enable the user session to be maintained and prevent security breaches. They do not collect or store any personal data.
Statistical : These cookies store information about the number of visitors to the website, the number of unique visits, the pages visited, the pages from which the visitors came, and the like. This data helps us to better understand our visitors so that we can improve our services wherever possible.
Functional: These are cookies that help us build additional functionality into the website. This includes video clips, location maps, anti-spam protection, and the like.
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How can I control cookie settings?
You can see and change cookie settings by clicking on the “Cookies” button at the bottom of the page. This will display a consent notice and allow you to change your settings. If you want to know more about cookies in general and how they work, you can find more information at www.allaboutcookies.org and www.youronlinechoices.eu.